Welcome to ALPS 2025, the Speech and Natural Language Processing winter school in the Alps

The fifth Advanced Language Processing School will take place from Sunday 30th March to Friday 4th April 2025.
ALPS is co-organized by LIG (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Naver Labs Europe, and Cohere, and consists in a week-long series of lectures by world-class NLP researchers, sessions where participants present their work, social sessions, lab sessions, and outdoor activities in the mountains. The school will be take place in the Alps (the Vanoise massif) at Aussois (1500m) and close to France’s first national park.

What ALPS represents:

  • An atmosphere that fosters connections and interactions.
  • A poster session for attendees to present their work, gather feedback and brainstorm future work ideas.

What last year’s attendees thought about ALPS 2024

The winter school is limited to about 50 attendees, and targets primarily students at master level (research oriented) or PhD level. A number of places are reserved for academics and researchers from the industry.